UX Quotes

The first quote I used was from Donald Norman. He stated, “NO! It’s everything, it’s the way you experience the world, it’s the way you experience your life, it’s the way you experience a service”. The reason why I liked this quote so much is due to my own experience of struggling with websites that have both terrible UI and UX. There would be times when I would spend countless hours searching every detail till I managed to find exactly what I was looking for. An example would be the structure quest assignment we did recently, this was the first time I used Emerald Haven’s website to search for what they had and I realized how difficult it was to find things. 

The second quote was used by Masha Zvereva. She states, “How are things aligned across the plate, does it look pretty or appetizing, and of course interactivity”. I learned this from personal experience when working as a manager for a few restaurants, but appearance is everything when it comes to getting customers to purchase products or food. After they have decided to sit down and eat at a restaurant then comes the UI or customer service they experience that leaves an impression on whether they’ll come back again or not.

My final quote by Billy Gregory I found did a really good job when it came to poorly designed websites. He states, “When UX doesn’t consider ALL users, shouldn’t it be known as ‘SOME User Experience’ or… SUX?”. There are many reasons why the user experience is poorly constructed, if the UX designer isn’t able to take into consideration all users then their design in a sense, truly does suck.


User interface; also known as UI, is how a user interacts with any form of interface, meanwhile, the User’s Experience; also known as UX, is the entire process in which the user first encounters the design till whenever they stop using said design.

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